Missions at St. Luke
Our Missions
As a community of concerned Christians reaching out to and caring for all God’s children, St. Luke Church is very involved in mission and community ministries. We are focused on support of, and advocating for, the poor, oppressed and disadvantaged. Volunteer opportunities are focused around support of the homeless population.
Downers Grove Community Kitchen
Every Saturday at St. Luke Church from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., volunteers serve hot meals-to-go to local homeless and food-insecure persons. Volunteers are needed to prepare meals, to donate food items, and to help serve meals. Use the buttons below to sign up to help!
Refugee Resettlement
World Relief Chicagoland resettles refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in Chicago and the Western Suburbs. St. Luke Church supports World Relief with donations of furniture and refugee welcome kits. St. Luke volunteers participate in the set up of apartments for refugees who resettle to the Western Suburbs. To learn more about these and other service opportunities contact mission@stlukedg.org.Meals at DuPage PADS Interim Housing Center
5th Monday Meals
In months that have a 5th Monday, St. Luke volunteers distribute dinner meals at the DuPage PADS Interim Housing Center (IHC) in Downers Grove. You can help by joining the team that prepares and distributes food, or by making a financial donation. To volunteer to help serve or prepare dinner items, please sign up using the button below or contact mission@stlukedg.org.

Operation Milk
St. Luke Church supports a program to provide fresh milk for children at the IHC. Quart milk containers do not fit in mini fridges in IHC rooms. Twice a month, St. Luke volunteers purchase gallons of fresh milk, and transfer the contents to cups with lids that will fit in mini fridges at the IHC. If you can volunteer about an hour, once or twice a month, to help with this project, please contact mission@stlukedg.org.Additional Organizations We Support
St. Luke Church is proud to support many organizations, both locally and internationally, that provide assistance and aid to those in need. Click each name below to learn more about them and their mission.