We Welcome You to St. Luke Church

Encountering God, Encouraging Faith, Empowering Lives

We strive to love and serve our neighbors as an inclusive and vibrant witness to God.

Join us, just as you are.

We are a welcoming Family of Faith where you can invite your friends and feel at home with your questions, your hopes, your doubts, and your dreams;

...and find joy and love along the way.

Worship With Us

In-person worship @10 a.m. every Sunday! Live Stream our service on our YouTube or through our Facebook page! 

Watch the Most Recent Service

“Bread of Life”

 Jesus’ early ministry in the Gospel of Luke

Join us for a meaningful Lent as we participate in an all church study: Bread of Life. Together we will learn how Jesus fed people. Not just their bodies but their souls. We will journey from the mountains to the shores of Galilee, and ultimately Jerusalem. We will attend wedding feasts, eat with tax collectors, and feed thousands … all with bread as our sustaining fuel. Come … be fed by the Bread of Life!


From Sunday School and Club Luke for PreK & Elementary kiddos, to Middle and High-School Youth Group, our Youth programs offers something for everyone!


Book & bible studies, special interest and social groups, events and more!


Reaching out to and caring for all God’s children through giving and volunteer opportunities both here at home and afar.

Fun & Fellowship Together

One of the greatest blessings of our vibrant congregation is that each time we come together, whether it be to help feed the hungry, or for holiday fun, or even to help cleanup or decorate for an all-church work day – we have FUN together! Enjoy some photos and information about some of our most recent gatherings.